PDF-Bücher Implementing Domain-Driven Design, by Vaughn Vernon
PDF-Bücher Implementing Domain-Driven Design, by Vaughn Vernon
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Implementing Domain-Driven Design, by Vaughn Vernon

PDF-Bücher Implementing Domain-Driven Design, by Vaughn Vernon
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"With Implementing Domain-Driven Design , Vaughn has made an important contribution not only to the literature of the Domain-Driven Design community, but also to the literature of the broader enterprise application architecture field. In key chapters on Architecture and Repositories, for example, Vaughn shows how DDD fits with the expanding array of architecture styles and persistence technologies for enterprise applications--including SOA and REST, NoSQL and data grids--that has emerged in the decade since Eric Evans' seminal book was first published. And, fittingly, Vaughn illuminates the blocking and tackling of DDD--the implementation of entities, value objects, aggregates, services, events, factories, and repositories--with plentiful examples and valuable insights drawn from decades of practical experience. In a word, I would describe this book as thorough. For software developers of all experience levels looking to improve their results, and design and implement domain-driven enterprise applications consistently with the best current state of professional practice, Implementing Domain-Driven Design will impart a treasure trove of knowledge hard won within the DDD and enterprise application architecture communities over the last couple decades." --Randy Stafford, Architect At-Large, Oracle Coherence Product Development "Domain-Driven Design is a powerful set of thinking tools that can have a profound impact on how effective a team can be at building software-intensive systems. The thing is that many developers got lost at times when applying these thinking tools and really needed more concrete guidance. In this book, Vaughn provides the missing links between theory and practice. In addition to shedding light on many of the misunderstood elements of DDD, Vaughn also connects new concepts like Command/Query Responsibility Segregation and Event Sourcing that many advanced DDD practitioners have used with great success. This book is a must-read for anybody looking to put DDD into practice." --Udi Dahan, Founder of NServiceBus "For years, developers struggling to practice Domain-Driven Design have been wishing for more practical help in actually implementing DDD. Vaughn did an excellent job in closing the gap between theory and practice with a complete implementation reference. He paints a vivid picture of what it is like to do DDD in a contemporary project, and provides plenty of practical advice on how to approach and solve typical challenges occurring in a project life cycle." -- Alberto Brandolini, DDD Instructor, Certified by Eric Evans and Domain Language, Inc. "Implementing Domain-Driven Design does a remarkable thing: it takes a sophisticated and substantial topic area in DDD and presents it clearly, with nuance, fun and finesse. This book is written in an engaging and friendly style, like a trusted advisor giving you expert counsel on how to accomplish what is most important. By the time you finish the book you will be able to begin applying all the important concepts of DDD, and then some. As I read, I found myself highlighting many sections . . . I will be referring back to it, and recommending it, often." -- Paul Rayner, Principal Consultant & Owner, Virtual Genius, LLC., DDD Instructor, Certified by Eric Evans and Domain Language, Inc., DDD Denver Founder and Co-leader "One important part of the DDD classes I teach is discussing how to put all the ideas and pieces together into a full blown working implementation. With this book, the DDD community now has a comprehensive reference that addresses this in detail. Implementing Domain-Driven Design deals with all aspects of building a system using DDD, from getting the small details right to keeping track of the big picture. This is a great reference and an excellent companion to Eric Evans seminal DDD book." -- Patrik Fredriksson, DDD Instructor, Certified by Eric Evans and Domain Language, Inc. "If you care about software craftsmanship--and you should--then Domain-Driven Design is a crucial skill set to master and Implementing Domain-Driven Design is the fast path to success. IDDD offers a highly readable yet rigorous discussion of DDD's strategic and tactical patterns that enables developers to move immediately from understanding to action. Tomorrow's business software will benefit from the clear guidance provided by this book." --Dave Muirhead, Principal Consultant, Blue River Systems Group "There's theory and practice around DDD that every developer needs to know, and this is the missing piece of the puzzle that puts it all together. Highly recommended!" --Rickard Öberg, Java Champion and Developer at Neo Technology "In IDDD, Vaughn takes a top-down approach to DDD, bringing strategic patterns such as bounded context and context maps to the fore, with the building block patterns of entities, values and services tackled later. His book uses a case study throughout, and to get the most out of it you'll need to spend time grokking that case study. But if you do you'll be able to see the value of applying DDD to a complex domain; the frequent sidenotes, diagrams, tables, and code all help illustrate the main points. So if you want to build a solid DDD system employing the architectural styles most commonly in use today, Vaughn's book comes recommended." --Dan Haywood, author of Domain-Driven Design with Naked Objects "This book employs a top-down approach to understanding DDD in a way that fluently connects strategic patterns to lower level tactical constraints. Theory is coupled with guided approaches to implementation within modern architectural styles. Throughout the book, Vaughn highlights the importance and value of focusing on the business domain all while balancing technical considerations. As a result, the role of DDD, as well as what it does and perhaps more importantly doesn't imply, become ostensibly clear. Many a time, my team and I would be at odds with the friction encountered in applying DDD. With Implementing Domain-Driven Design as our luminous guide we were able to overcome those challenges and translate our efforts into immediate business value." --Lev Gorodinski, Principal Architect, DrillSpot.com
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Vaughn Vernon is a veteran software craftsman with more than twenty-five years of experience in software design, development, and architecture. He is a thought leader in simplifying software design and implementation using innovative methods. He has been programming with object-oriented languages since the 1980s, and applying the tenets of Domain-Driven Design since his Smalltalk domain modeling days in the early 1990s. He consults and speaks internationally, and has taught his Implementing Domain-Driven Design classes on multiple continents.
Gebundene Ausgabe: 656 Seiten
Verlag: Addison Wesley; Auflage: 01 (6. Februar 2013)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 9780321834577
ISBN-13: 978-0321834577
ASIN: 0321834577
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
18,3 x 4,1 x 23,4 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
3.7 von 5 Sternen
8 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 13.575 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Ich erinnere mich wie mir ein Kollege vor 2 Jahren von DDD predigte und immer wieder auf das Buch von Eric verwies. Ich hatte ihn nicht verstanden und auch keinen Zugang zu dem Buch gefunden, es war irgendwie so 0 technisch und nicht das, was ich erwartet habe.Dann verließ er die Firma und ich zwang mich dieses Buch von Vaughn zu lesen, fast von Deckel zu Deckel.In vielerlei Hinsicht öffnete es mir die Augen was wirklich wichtig ist in der Softwareentwicklung und in welche Bereiche man seine Energie stecken sollte. Zum anderen waren viele andere Konzepte und Ideen auf einmal viel greifbarer für mich, zB das Agile Manifesto oder die Idee hinter Behavior Driven Development, sogar Clean Code von Uncle Bob verstand ich auf einmal aus einer ganz anderen Sicht.Ich finde die Tactical Patterns werden in diesem Buch einem sehr gut und anschaulich nahegebracht. Entgegen anderer Rezensionen finde ich es nicht schlimm die Tactical Patterns anhand von Code zu veranschaulichen. Für mich ist es das Buch dadurch nicht weniger zeitlos. Schwieriger greifbar finde ich die Erklärungen zu den meiner Meinung nach wichtigeren Strategical Patterns. Ich musste wirklich sehr langsam, konzentriert und genau und zum Teil mehrfach lesen um die Essenz zu begreifen.Ich glaube durch dieses Werk habe ich einen ersten guten Einstieg und Einblick in das Thema DDD erhalten. Das Buch erklärt gerade in Hinblick auf das strategische Design gut die Konzepte und Ideen, behandelt aber nicht die Fragen, wie ich von A nach B komme. Ich hätte mir Verweise auf Methodiken gewünscht, wie zB Event Storming oder Three Amigo Sessions. Spätestens hier wird einem klar, dass es ohne weitere Literatur, Blogs und vor allem Diskussionen nicht weitergeht. Aber das Buch bildet meiner Meinung nach eine sehr solide Gesprächsgrundlage.
Nachdem ich das blaue DDD-Buch von Eric Evans gelesen hatte, bekam ich dieses Werk an die Hand. Ich persönlich empfand es als die perfekte Ergänzung. Durch die zahlreichen und umfangreichen Code-Beispiele sind viele der Konzepte und Patterns von DDD wesentlich einfacher verständlich, als durch das blaue Buch alleine. Ohne Vaunghn Vernon's Werk wäre ich niemals in der Lage gewesen, mein erstes DDD-Projekt zu meistern.Ich kann jedem empfehlen, der ernsthaft vor hat, Projekte basierend auf den Patterns von DDD zu entwickeln, sich intensiv mit diesem Werk zu befassen. Neben der Vertiefung der Grundlagen von DDD gibt der Autor zahlreiche Tipps zum Einsatz von DDD in Verbindung mit unterschiedlichen Architektur-Stilen und zeigt viele Beispiele und demonstriert den Einsatz der unterschiedlichsten Technologien. Darüber hinaus finden sich zahllose Implementierungs-Hinweise für jedes einzelne Pattern.Dieses Buch sollte in keinem Bücherregal eines Architekten fehlen!
This book is gold for everyone involved with architecture and code design that is supposed to be business driven. The book nicely not only covers "DDD Lite", so the pure usage of the tactical patterns but from my perspective even more importantly the strategic side of things. Domains, subdomains, ubiquitous language, context maps and the like share light onto your IT landscape and will even point out foggy areas. If you struggled in the past to justify with business why a certain project needs to be done, after that book you will be able to.If you really want to make your architecture robust, scalable and understandable you will need to work with the business, use ubiquitous languages with your areas of expertise and think in subdomains. How that is going to work alongside with how you finally implement things Vaughn explains in an non-academic way when possible.For me as a non-native english reader it is quite beneficial that he points out things from different view points and uses an additional sentence to explain concepts here and there.The first chapters are the most important for me as DDD really only works when you achieve a DDD mindset. That is costly for a company as there will be an overhead for IT to go the DDD route first but Vaughn also clearly explains the business value.You will understand when it makes sense to buy new technology rather to build it yourself and when to clearly focus on what you need to build.Last but not least, as the "implementing" part of the book's title promises, yes there are code examples and nicely explained. There is even a full implementation of his example on github.Powerful book. A paradigm change if you allow it to be that can open up a new world of how you think about architecture, development and your business.
Domain-Driven-Design ist ein neues Programmierparadigma, in der Sammlung der bereits bestehenden Programmiermodelle. Vernon stellt seine Ideen dabei in zahlreichen Java Beispielen vor, u.a. auch anhand einer Fantasiefirma "SaaSOvation" die erste Erfahrungen mit DDD macht. Das Buch ist wizig geschrieben mit zahlreichen Illustrationen. Allerding bleibt Vernon mit seinem Anspruch ein vollständige, abgeschlosses System zu liefern, hinter seinen Ansprüchen zurück. Viel zu oft finden sich Aussagen wie: "it is possible, but you can implement it in a different way. DDD von Vernon wird damit zu einer schwammigen Angelegenheit (wie die meisten anderen Programmierparadigmas auch).
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